
Showing posts from March, 2021

Cooking Competition - stage 3 - The Dinner Menu

 Things are heating up in the kitchen as our cooks enter into stage 3 with recipes for a dinner. The children have one hour to create their dinner masterpieces. They are judged on taste, presentation, cleanliness of kitchen and then given an overall score. It is a very difficult job for the judges as the cooks have to up their skill and flavour levels for this round. mmmmm, Thai Green curry on display today. It smelt delicious simmering in the kitchen. I think the teachers stole the leftover sauce that accompanied this kitchen sensation. Cheers Team! Congratulations to everyone who has made it this far. Isaiah and Emma - enchiladas - these smelt amazing as they cooked away in the kitchen.

Creative Mathematics

  We really enjoyed the hands on approach to learning about 3D shapes today.  We used play dough and bamboo skewers to create our 3D shapes.

Drama Games - "Party Quirks"

 Today we were learning some new drama games - we were building our oral language fluency with fun :)  This was us playing "Party Quirks" with Kelsey - one of our student teachers. 

Marama's Comic Strip

Comic Book Creations  Marama is one of our very talented authors here in Team Marama (the learning space). We want you all to share her latest comic book creation. Thank you for sharing with us Marama.

Planting out seedlings with Mel

Mel was in today supporting us further with our nursery learning.  We got to plant out some seedlings and put them in our shade houses for their next stage of growing. It was great getting in and learning while we were supporting the nursery.

Poi with Belinda

 Belinda has been helping us create Poi as part of our Te Reo learning. Today we learnt the song "E were Taku poi". It was hard work learning to use our poi correctly. But hopefully by the time we get to our learning celebration our singing and poi will be ready to share with you :)

BAVX - with Alexandra

 We are fortunate to have Alexandra back with us this year supporting some of our akonga with their co-ordination and focus skills. We always look forward to the children sharing their skills with us. 

Tuakana Teina - Reading in the sun

 Another beautiful day to embrace our Tuakana Teina time.  We mixed up our buddies for today, so we could meet with some new people across the school. It was great to have a chance to meet new people and read together.

Tuakana Teina - In the Pool :)

What a great day for us to support Ramaroa Iti in the pool for their "America's Cup Race". We enjoyed, not just helping them create their race boats, but also having fun in the sun, in the pool!  

Kori - visiting from Richmond Aquatic Centre

 Today Kori - visited us from Richmond Aquatic Centre. We are grateful to the Aquatic centre for their support for our fundraising efforts for our Wellington Camp.  Ngā mihi nui to Patsy for bringing Kori to visit.